Mary Fran Meyers Award
Mary Fran Myers Gender and Disaster Award
The Mary Fran Myers Gender and Disaster Award recognizes disaster professionals who continue Mary Fran Myers’ goal of promoting research on gender issues in disasters and emergency management.
As co-director of the Natural Hazards Center, Myers recognized that disaster vulnerability is influenced by social, cultural, and economic structures that marginalize women and girls. The Natural Hazards Center and the Gender and Disaster Network established the award in 2002 to honour women and men whose advocacy, research, or management efforts have had a lasting, positive impact on reducing disaster vulnerability.
Individuals eligible for the award will have added to the body of knowledge on gender and disasters or furthered opportunities for women to succeed in the field. Recognizing that women and men rarely act alone, the award is also now open to gender and disaster-focused organizations that have made similar contributions.
To see a list of all previous winners, please click here: Award Winners
Eligibility and Nomination
The nomination period is now closed.
Please contact Cheney Shreve cmshreve@gmail.com with any questions about the Mary Fran Myers Gender and Disaster Award.