About GDN
The beginnings and ‘vision’ of GDN
The Gender and Disaster Network is an educational and advocacy project initiated by women and men interested in gender relations in disaster contexts.
It emerged from a meeting during the July 1997 Natural Hazards Research and Applications Center workshop in Boulder, Colorado and became the major outcome of the 'Women's Disaster Research Caucus' convened by Barbara Vogt on 16 July 1997. The Agenda items included:
1) How to network more effectively;
2) How to promote young women professionals;
3) How to promote women and gender issues as legitimate research topics; and
4) Using web-based resources for communication.
Since 1997, GDN comprises of more than 1,000 members although many more people use the site and its resources without registering for the email discussion list.

Our Goals
Document and analyze people's experiences before, during, and after disasters, situating gender relations in broad political, economic, historical, and cultural contexts.
Build and sustain an active international community of scholars and activists.
Work across disciplinary and organizational boundaries in support of collaborative research and applied projects.
Advocate for change in policy and practice at all levels.
Foster information sharing, resource building and networking among members.

Founding Members
Below is a list of all those 36 attendees who recorded their names and contact details during the ‘Women’s Disaster Research Caucus’ meeting convened by Barbara Vogt, on 17 July 1997: Who were the founding members
If you were there that morning and don’t mind being listed on the website, please email your name (and photo) to gdn@gdnonline.org
Linda Bourke
Kim Carsell
Cheryl Childers
Ann Close
Susan Cutter
Niki Dash
Elaine Enarson
Maureen Fordham
Alice Fothergill
Suzanne Frew
Roni Gordon
Janet Workman Gorman
Eve Gruntfest
Jan Horton
Dick Krajeski
Karen Kristiansson
Greta Lyung
Avagene Moore
Betty Morrow
Mary Fran Myers
Sarah Nathe
Joanne Nigg
Eve Passerini
Pam Pate
Ann Patton
Kristina Peterson
Lisa Russell
Kim Shoaf
John Sorenson
Sandra Sutphen
Martha Tyler
Barb Vogt
Burt Wallrich
Jennifer Wilson
David Wingard
Ben Wisner